Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fionn Mac Cumhaill

Fionn mac Cumhaill known in English as Finn McCool, was a mythical hunter-warrior. The stories of Fionn and his followers the Fianna, form the Fenian Cycle, much of them narrated by Fionn's son, the poet Óisín. Fionn is actually a nickname meaning blond, fair , white or bright. His actual childhood name was Deimne literally sureness or certainity and several legends tell how he gained the nickname when his hair turned prematurely white.

He was the son of Cumhall leader of Fianna and Muirine, daughter of the druid, Tadg mac Nuadat. Cumhall abducted Muirine after her father refused him her hand, so Tadg appealed to the High KingConn of the Hundred Battles, who outlawed him. The Battle of Cnucha was fought between Conn and Cumhall, and Cumhall was killed by Goll mac Morna, who took over leadership of the Fianna. Muirne was already pregnant, so her father rejected her and ordered his people to burn her, but Conn would not allow it and put her under the protection of Fiacal mac Conchinn, whose wife, Bodhmall the druidess, was Cumhall's sister. In Fiacal's house she gave birth to a son, whom she called Deimne.

Muirine left the boy in the care of Bodhmall and a warrior woman, Liath Luachra, who brought him up in secret in the forest of Sliabh Bladma, teaching him the arts of war and hunting.  As he grew older he entered the service – incognito – of a number of local kings, but when they recognised him as Cumhal's son, they told him to leave, fearing they would be unable to protect him from his enemies.

The young Fionn met druid and poet Finneces and studied under him. Finneces had spent seven years trying to catach the 'Salmon of Knowledge', which lived in a pool on the Boyne: whoever ate the salmon would gain alll the knowledge in the world. Eventually he caught it, and told Fionn to cook it for him. While cooking it Fionn burned his thumb, and instinctively put his thumb in his mouth swallowing a piece of the salmon's skin.  imbued him with the salmon's wisdom. He then knew how to gain revenge against Goll, and in subsequent stories was able to call on the knowledge of the salmon by sucking his thumb.

Fionn arrived at Tara, armed with his father's crane-skin bag of magical weapons. He kept himself awake by sticking the point of his own spear into his forehead. The pain would not let him sleep and then Fionn killed the fire-breathing fairy Aillen who would lull the men of Tara to sleep with his music before burning the palace to the ground, every year for 23 at Samhain. After that his heritage was recognised and he was given command of the Fianna: Goll willingly stepped aside, and became a loyal follower of Fionn, although in many stories their alliance is uneasy and feuds occur. Fionn demanded compensation for his father's death from Tadg, threatening war or single combat against him if he refused. Tadg offered him his home, the hill of Allen, as compensation, which Fionn accepted.

Fionn met his most famous wife, Sadhbh, whne he was out hunting. She had been turned into a deer by a druid, Fear Doirich, for she had refused to marry him.  Fionn's hounds, Bran and Sceolan, who were once human themselves, recognised she was human, and Fionn spared her. She transformed back into a beautiful woman the moment she set foot on Fionn's land, as this was the one place she could regain her true form. She and Fionn married and she was soon pregnant. However, Fear Doirich returned and turned her back into a deer, whereupon she vanished. Fionn spent seven years searching for her, but to no avail. Fortunately, he was reunited later with their son, Óisin who went on to be of the greatest of the Fianna.


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